Friday, April 29, 2011

2011 Garden Season

Garden plots available 201 South Street, Ashley, OH contact the library 740-747-2085

Garden tools available for loan at the library.  Shovel, garden rake, sod lifter, and hoe.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

April Events

The Library Food Garden Workshop on Saturday April 16 at 2:00 will be led by the Backyard Master Gardener Susan Leichty. She will talk on using herbs with homegrown vegetables. Growing and cooking ideas will be shared in a round table discussion. Susan Leichty and Connie Zuga helped the Brownies start seeds for starter garden plants to be given away at the May meeting. The Saturday March 19 meeting competed with summery weather but five attendees constructed and planted the straw bale cold frame in front of the library. Thanks to Bill and Shirley Thurston for donating the straw bales.